The Aims of the SDEU are to unite in fellowship all Evangelical Anglicans in the Diocese of Southwark and to foster and express their special contribution to the life of the Church. Specifically the SDEU aims to:
- Share:
- The SDEU aims to provide a shared space to bring together a range of evangelical voices
- Stimulate:
- The SDEU aims to provide a forum to stimulate mutual encouragement and theological discussion among evangelicals
- Support:
- The SDEU aims to support evangelicals by contributing to the Diocesan prioritisation of action on Discipleship, Mission, Evangelism, Church Planting and Fresh Expressions
- Speak Up:
- The SDEU aims to speak up for evangelicals by making proactive and specific proposals to the Diocese
The SDEU Basis of Faith is that of the Church of England Evangelical Council.
Membership is open to all clergy and laity who live or work in the Diocese, who support the aims of the SDEU and who affirm the CEEC Basis of Faith.
Our constitution can be read in full here